Welcome to the GoVenture Typing Tutorial video! GoVenture Typing is a fun and engaging game that teaches keyboarding to beginners and reinforces proper technique for experienced typists. It's designed for use in schools or at home or even work. The game combines fantasy genre storytelling like Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings to create an epic quest for survival. Success depends on your keyboarding skills, so let me show you how it works!
So when you first launch GoVenture typing, if this is your first time you'll start a new game. If you've already been playing you'll resume that game.
So we immediately meet Ruzak the Wise. He's the King's Wizard who's going to guide us on our quest and train us for various challenges that we'll meet along the way. We'll do our quest using a map that Ruzak provides, so right now we're in Section One of the map you can see at the very bottom here there are going to be five sections that will be revealed as we complete the map. There's a trail indicated on the map as you can see here, I'm following the trail with the mouse and as I complete each of the modules and each of the tasks, I will reveal for the next section of the map in order to continue my quest. Now when I first start the game it begins with a skill test, and the premise of the skill test is to identify what our typing speed is right now and what we would like it to be when we complete the game. So let me go ahead and click on skill test. By the way, you cannot complete any of these other tasks until they light up, and to get them to light up you have to do the skill test. Ruzak is asking us to type as fast as we can while making as few mistakes as possible, so you know we want to limit the number of mistakes we make because that will slow us down because we have to correct our mistakes. So let's go ahead and start the skill test, and every screen of the game will have some type of help overlay like you see here that explains the different sections of the screen. As soon as you click it, it will go away. You can also bring it back at any time by clicking the orange question mark, which is our help button.
So every drill or challenge will begin paused and waiting for you to begin typing. Usually there's going to be some type of timer or other measure, in this case in the skill test you'll see there's a 45 second time that will be counting down as soon as I begin typing. Next to the timer is a Words Per Minute (WPM) speed and so in this game we're measured by how many words per minutes we can type and that's ultimately how typing is measured, and our goal is typing speed and of course WPM have to be correct. The scroll in the middle shows what we need ot type and we start with the first letter which is an uppercase or capital T, which is normally created by holding the shift key down and pressing the letter T. You'll notice there's a little green triangle that indicates the letter that we're supposed to be typing at the moment and that green triangle will move forward as you type. Notice that there's also spaces in between words which means you have to press the space bar at that point if you make a mistake you'll see a red X and a red underscore or a red letter where you made the mistake and you have to hit the backspace button and try again. It will not let you continue until you correct that mistake, and I'll show you that in a moment. You'll also see at the bottom here a representation of your keyboard, and you'll see highlighted the keys that you should be pressing at the moment. So for a uppercase or capital T you'll notice the shift and the letter T are highlighted so every time you're supposed to click particular keys you'll see it highlighted on the keyboard. It also shows hands, or gloves which were called gauntlets back in medieval times, and the gauntlet will show you which finger you should be using ot press the key so in the case of the letter T it's left hand index finger, and in the case of the shift it's right hand pinkie finger. That's very important, and it's important you follow these specific guidelines and techniques because it will improve your typing speed and give you more proper technique and proper technique will allow you to type faster. If you stray from the technique you'll still probably be able to type relatively fast but certainly not as fast as proper proven technique. So this is a skill test, we're ready to begin the still test and as soon as I begin typing it will start. So let's do that. You'll notice the letters that I'm correctly typing are turning blue. Oh, I just made a mistake on the O, so I have to press the backspace to clear that mistake and continue typing from where I left off. I want to type quickly but at a speed that minimizes the number of mistakes I make. There's a G with a little X, I made a mistake on the G, and I will go back since it will not let me continue until I correct that. Let's continue the speed test, now you'll notice in this case the scroll has scrolled up to reveal more words for me to type.
So there we go, the typing skill test has ended and it's showing my achievement. So my current speed in WPM is 36 and now it's recommending a goal of 46. Now I can adjust that goal to any number that I want, but I want to be careful that I don't choose a number that's too high because that may be too difficult for me to achieve that goal, or a number that's too low because that may not be challenging enough and may not improve my typing skills as much as I should. Now you can return to the skill at any time and adjust the goal, and you can retake the the skill test and adjust the goal if you want to adjust it up and down you can do so but keep in mind if you do adjust the goal it is reflected in your performance report. So it is logged when you do change your goal, and if you're doing this typing game as part of a course you may be required to achieve a certain speed level you want to make sure that you don't change your goal to something that is not acceptable for your program or course so make sure you follow these instructions.
We can also see the problem letters which is any particular letters I had challenges with, and they'll appear here but in this case I'm just going to leave the goal at 46 and click continue. I've just earned an achievement, and in the game you'll find there's a number of achievements you can see most of them are greyed out here because I have not yet earned them but I've learned the skill test achievement and I can keep scrolling to see the mystery achievements.
So we're taken right back to the map and now i can start my training. You can see the next mission in our quest is now glowing and I can go ahead and click on that to do my training. Now, the training always has 9 drills, you can see the listed here. So every training stpe has 9 drills, Ruzak or the narrator will always explain what's happening in our quest/story and what we're preparing for so to begin this drill I simply click on the drill and Ruzak will explain to us which letters we're working on in this particular group drill so in this case I'm just reading, just starting so it's the letter F and it's only the letter F so lets start that drill and it's reminding us here about the home position. This is proper typing technique where our fingers should be placed lightly over the keys as you see them in the image below. This will maintain proper typing technique and this is how we want to keep our hands as we type. So here's our drill with the letter F, it's all ready to go. Again, the gauntlet is showing which finger I should be using and where the F key is. A little reminder that we have the help button that we can bring up at any time on any screen. We have 15 seconds to do this drill, lets go ahead and do that. You can see that I'm typing f f f space after that f and my words per minutes is being tracked. Oh, I made a mistake let's use the backspace to correct that.
We got three stars so that's great, that's the best we can do. See we have the WPM and it was 26 so that's what our measure was so the game is going to reward your stars based on the WPM goal you set so it will adjust intelligently based on where you should be in this stage of the quest and where you want to be with your end goal. Now if I click continue it'll take me back to the drill screen, you can see my three stars that I've earned while drilling. Three is the most I can earn, two or one star if I just pass the drill and you get no stars if you fail the drill. If you fail the drill you cannot continue, so you will have to repeat it until you finish the drill. Doing the drills in order until I complete them will lead to my first challenge, which will be revealed on the map. I can return here at any time to improve any drill and repeat any drill. So, for example, I only got one star on drill 2 I can come back and repeat it at any time in order to improve the stars. It's important to have as many three stars as possible because the challenge is graded on those as well. If you have a 1 star drill, the highest score you can get is 1 star. Once we complete the challenge and return to the map we'll see that more of the map will reveal itself. Let's take a look at the items at the bottom of the map. So while we're performing out quest we have access to a list of achievements which I showed earlier but also a performance report so this is a very detailed report that shows how we're doing every step of the way. On this first screen you see here that it shows all 49 levels.
The game has 49 levels and nearly 500 tasks and challenges along the way, we can also see our skill test so right here it shows our skill test results with the latest results. So if you run the skill test multiple times you will see all the results here, and if you use the arrows you can scroll down and see the results of all the the drills. I can see in task 1 my goal was 45 words per minute, and I need 18 to pass the drill and I actually achieved 26 so I earned 3 stars so I'll be able to scroll through this performance report and see very many other details of each task and challenges. Now, let's switch over to a map that actually has more of the tasks and see a bit more of what's happening. Okay, so here we are we have a map with more quests revealed and completed. In fact, you can see there's a second part of the map here that I can access by clicking the map button below before I show you some more of what's to come. Let's take a look at the menu button, so the menu button will allow you to save your progress. Always make sure you save your game before you turn it off to make sure you don't lose your progress. If you click this button you can learn more about the game and the people you created it, and you can quit the game completely if you click this button. You can adjust the volume here, and there's a separate button for sound effects if you want to toggle it on or off. You can play with the sound either on or off.
We have this option called finger position directions. If you turn this on what will happen is that you'll hear a voice tell you which finger to use to click, which will help if you have trouble remembering which finger to use for which key because remember using the right finger for the right key provides you with proper technique and proper technique means you'll be able to type more effortlessly and much faster, but if you're having trouble remembering which finger to use you can turn on the directions and you'll have the voice tell you which finger to use.
So we'll close this and get us back to the main map and you'll see next to the tasks a star number. It'll show you if you've achieved that task and the number in this case is 27 out of 22 maximum stars so I maximized this training with the challenge. So the challenge I got 1 out of 3 stars so I could have done better there. Let's take a look at the quick challenge. In the quick challenge I have to do two things; number one is I have to maximize the training stars and number two I have to do really well on the challenge also. The challenge usually pitches you into some combat or type of battle/race or something exciting that you have to do as a knight of the realm. This is the Fireball Challenge and you have to defend the caravan you're travelling with from Morag the Dragon, who is going to rain fireballs upon you and the caravan. It starts paused, so you can click the help button if you need to see the controls and you can quit if you want to from this menu as well. Let's get started on this challenge!
So see the fireball is falling, as soon as it hits the area between the wizard and myself I want to click that letter. I don't want to soon or too late, because it will hit the caravan if I'm too late and if I'm too soon I won't be able to destroy the fireball. If I let a few through you'll notice that I'm losing stars, and if I let too many get through I get defeated. Let's return to the map and I can repeat that challenge as I can repeat any other challenges. Once I reveal all five sections of the map eventually I will get to the end of my quest and I'll have a choice of either attacking the dragon and trying to put him down once and for all and win the game or I'll have the option of doing some bonus tasks and challenges. The challenges are are actually a prequel t our story and give us some background on how we became a knight and if I do those additional bonus challenges I'll learn some additional keys on the keyboard like this, like the special characters and so on so they're optional but certainly very helpful and you might find it interesting to learn more about your backstory and your prequel of how you became this knight of the realm on this quest. So we'll stop there! This is GoVenture Typing, we hope you'll find it fun and interesting and that it'll improve your typing skills because that's one of the most productive things you can do that will save you a lot of time at work and at home in your life. Thanks for playing GoVenture!