Hey, welcome to the GoVenture leader tutorial for instructors and facilitators. So what you want to do is you want to go to GoVenture Leader comm and you will see this interface on screen, and we can log in as a student once we have a student or participant or team log in. But as our initial review we will go on to the facilitator log in, so the MediaSpark-GoVenture Team will have provided you with a personal log in and you want to use that to log in as a facilitator, so we'll do that here. Here we are, we've logged in as a facilitator, so once we login we'll be presented with one or more simulation scenarios so what we're looking at here is a space scenario but there might be multiple scenarios. There might be different types of scenarios or there may be the same scenario multiple times defending ifyou've run that scenario multiple times. So the first thing we want to do is maybe review the scenarios that are available in order to choose the one that you may want to play and you could play one or more of the scenarios that are available. So in this example we only have one, which is the space scenario
scenarios that are available in order to choose the one that you may want to play and you could play one or more of the scenarios that are available so in this example we only have one which is the space scenario so what we want to do now is we want to review this scenario to see if it's something that we may want to play so we're going to click on facilitate and then we will see a menu and from the menu we're going to choose view simulation and performance and what that does is it allows us to monitor the simulation as as a student would actually monitor and play it so we're not necessarily playing it directly but we are able to access the same scenario that students would see so let's go ahead and click on that
and so you'll see that there's no name for our for our scenario or this case would be our team no name for our team but there is a simulation number so that's a unique number we'll have to remember later on and we'll click okay so what we're going to see here now some of the in this example some of the imagery is not yet at it because it's in beta but what we first are encountered with and again this is viewing the simulation as a participant a student team would view the simulation and so we're presented with what we call the back story so the back story explains what our current scenario is and what our role is within that scenario we can scroll down to see and read more about the back story and see how we're measured and so on and once we do that we'll click OK and then we choose a name and a logo for our business for a business or in this case again our team and whether it's space travel or other scenario and it doesn't really matter what we enter here what we choose because it's not really going to save any of this because we're just monitoring the simulation we're not actually affecting anything so if I was really playing this with other people other teams I would actually see the team names that I'm competing with up here here now they'll only appear once a team has been established so when if this is the first period you're running it you know you may not see any teams to start and then when the first team appears you'll see them and then the second team and so on and eventually you'll see all the teams there we'll click OK now in go venture leader there are three steps so once you understand your backstory and what your role and objectives are you do three things and the first is you research your scenario the second is you make decisions on choosing activities to implement and then finally you review your performance so that's the three things you do research make decisions by choosing activities and by the way the decisions you make with the actor by choosing activities is supported by helped by the research that you do so the research is very important in helping you choose the right activities to implement and then we review our performance and so the simulation or the scenario runs in periods and the period could be anything so if this is a business simulation it might be in business quarters or years and in this example of space you can see in the upper right corner is our period and it's shown in parsecs so this simulation is designed to play for eight periods and we're currently in period one or parsec one of this particular simulation so we would repeat these three steps for each of the eight periods or up to as many periods as you want always you want to want to facilitate you may not want to facilitate all eight periods all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on research now the research is composed of two options so the first is what we call briefings and the second are stakeholders now one thing to know it is because we're in monitor mode here as facilitators were monitoring the simulation it is showing us the briefings for all of the periods and the stakeholders for all of the periods now in normal play you will not see future periods so students teams will not see future periods they will only see the briefings and the stakeholders for the current period and they can also review past periods because they've already been exposed to those but the future ones they do not see until the simulation progresses to that particular period so you'll notice again we're in parsec one so a normal play we would only see briefing prior SEC one and backstory we would not see briefing four parsec two three four five six and so on and same with stakeholders we would only see stakeholders for parsec one not the other ones until we reach those berries so the premise now is we would review this research on the backstory we've already read but we can revisit it here if we'd like we can view the briefing now the briefing is intended to present some type of scenario for this period and the scenario could could just could represent a challenge that we have this period or a particular or both and whatever is happening right now is something we probably want to act on when we're making decisions later so we would read the briefing of when you scroll through and read as much as is there and sometimes the briefing might have some graphics and some videos and those are things that will be added in the future to some of the scenarios but it would help but reading this briefing helps us understand what what challenges and opportunities exist in the current period so we'll go back and we have the back button at the top that allows you to go back from any screen and the next thing we do is you want to review stakeholders so the stakeholders a variety of people involved in the scenario and the stakeholders can change every period they could be remaining the same and the premise is that we would choose one or more stakeholders for example we can click here for the mission specialist Jesse frost and we have questions preset questions that we can ask this stakeholder and when we click on a question the answer will be revealed below but what's important to note is that the number of questions we can ask is limited so it could be limited by stakeholder so you can see right here it says ask us up to two questions which means we're allowed to ask up to two questions of this stakeholder in fact up to two questions of any stakeholder so if I go back and I choose a different stakeholder you can see again it's two questions so we can ask up to two questions of any stakeholder but there's another limiter and if I read the text up here it says I can ask a total of ten questions so I can ask any one person up to two questions zero one or two questions but in total I can only ask ten questions so the by limiting the number of questions I'm forced to do some critical analysis of who do I want to gather information from and what are the best questions to ask of that person and that's so that's a very important thing to consider so once I do choose someone and I click to ask a question the answer will immediately be revealed below sometimes the answer is very useful sometimes it's not as useful it's it's you know may require some analysis to determine that once I do ask a question I don't have to ask it again I can come back and and view the answer so it becomes unlocked but once I hit the maximum number of questions to ask the any other questions that I have not asked will get locked and I cannot ask them again and you'll see an actual lock up here and it won't let me ask those questions again now it's important to note that in the current monitoring mode that we're in as facilitators that these limiters are disabled so they're disabled to allow us as facilitators actually review all the content but if I was playing this as a student our team the limit limiters would actually function and not allow me to ask more than I'm supposed to and again once I've already asked the question it becomes unlocked and I can come back and revisit the answer at any time now or in the future periods as well so by asking the stakeholder questions it reveals some important information for me let's go back so once we've completed our research were then ready to do activities and and and here it is showing us the list of activities for the periods for the activities and again in monitor mode it's exposing all of the activities to us but in a live simulation scenario it would only give me access to the current period and the past period activities you'll also notice there's a Help button here and that's a very useful tutorial that'll actually explain how activities work and how the interface works so I strongly encourage you to review that and encourage your students participants to review that as well when they're playing so let's look look at parsec 1 so I'm parsec 1 what we can do is we can see a list of activities here that we can implement so here they all are in this scrollable list of activities and on the left-hand side the activities we've chosen to implement so so far I have not chosen any template if I do want to choose one to implement I would click on it so let's say let's click on this one here and you'll notice a little yellow arrow appears which allows me to click on it and then move it to the list of activities to be implemented and I can go down the list and do that keep doing this to add activities to my list to be implemented if I want to remove an activity from the list I can do so and I can so I can move activities back and forth as often as I want up until the decision deadline which is the deadline that you as a facilitator set that says ok you know at this time you will no longer be able to change your decisions so once you hit that deadline and you can set that in the facilitator dashboard which we'll see but in the meantime that deadline is is open until you tell us as a facilitator and so I can click again on any activity and I can also look at more details of the activity I click using the buttons at the top so you see activity details if I open that opens up a window where I can actually review more details about each activity so that detail can be very helpful and
explaining some additional information about that activity now I close this window at any time and then bring it back up and you can also show more activities on the screen at once by clicking this less detail so you'll see less detail well collapse the activities so that I can see more of them on the screen at once and more detail just shows me more information I can also filter activities and in this case I have no filter but sometimes there's filters and makes a little bit easier to identify activities by groups and then we can move activities we want to sort them we can use these buttons for example this is number 14 I can move it I can move it up or down but I'm actually getting a message that says I can't do it in monitor mode so in monitor mode you can't actually use these buttons but students and participants that would allow I would allow them to actually move activities up and down so that if they want to sort them in a particular way to help with discussions and team discussions and so on they can they can do so you also notice that each activity has a percentage in the case of this scenario all the scenarios may be different but in this scenario there's a percentage assigned to each activity and you'll notice up here it says time and resources so basically I'm limited by the number of activities I can choose up to a hundred percent so this activity here takes 10% so if I choose this activity to implement you'll notice there's a little pie chart and this percentage has gone up to 10% and I can keep adding activities up until I get to a hundred percent so I can choose any activities I want any combination I want as long as they are less than or equal to a hundred percent in this scenario other scenarios may be different but that's how this particular space scenario works and so I would work with my teammates to collaborate and make decisions on which activities we might implement and of course there's always going to be more activities that can be implemented then we can actually do based on our time and resources so that's where the compromise come in it comes in you know maybe there's 40 activities to choose from but I'm only going to be able to maybe 20 15 depending on which ones I I choose and based on the research that I conducted previously and by the way I can go back to that research at any time if I want to if I want to review the research before I make some final decisions I can come back and review that research and then you know go back and make those decisions again by the way I can't change anything to happen in previous periods I can review my choices in previous periods but I cannot change what happened in previous periods I can only change what happened in the current period my choices in the current period based on the decision deadline set by the instructor and so the other thing to keep in mind is that a lot of scenarios are set up such that there are activities that a participant you probably do all the time there are certain activities you should probably do every period but because of those challenges and opportunities that present themselves in the briefings at the beginning of each period I'm gonna have to solve some of those challenges or take advantage of some those opportunities so I'm gonna have to use some of my time and resources to those things which means I'll have less time to do the routine activities that I normally should do so there's always going to be some risk and compromise involved in what we do so as mentioned there's a decision deadline set by the facilitator and that could be set in the dashboard and once that deadline hits the participants will be locked out and will not be able to make any changes so it's all automated you basically can just tell the students participants that this is the exact time to the minute that they have and the system will automatically freeze their simulation when that time limit hits and at that point you as the facilitator can advance the simulation in the next period so right now remember we're in monitor mode so we're not actually logged in as a real student or team we're monitoring it as a facilitator so we can go back to a facilitator dashboard by clicking this button so there's a little convenient button there it allows us to go back and so then what we would do is we we would click facilitate again and then you see there's an option you're advanced next period so we click on that and then we click this button now I'm not gonna click it right now but we click this button and within 10 or 15 seconds the simulation will advance to the next period and so it's taken all of our results crunch them together and determine our performance results now at this point once I've advanced it'll take us back to the screen what I can do is I can go back in the simulation to view the performance results I can also view team decisions and other choices here which I won't review in this video but you can take time to look at them but what's important is the revealing of the results the reveal of the result is controlled meaning that if I just go back in the simulation now even though the results have been processed I will not see the results because as the facilitator we have not set up a reveal window what we call a results time frame or time window so if we go to edit so now we're gonna back to the main dashboard and now we're gonna click on edit the simulation we're going to scroll down and we're gonna see here there's results schedule now there's no result schedule set but what you can do is you can click on the + and set a result schedule so what this allows you to do is it allows you to choose when you want to allow the students to see the results from each individual period so we've just presumably paid play period 1 when do I want students participants teams to see the results of period 1 well I could I set that here so I can set for example how much of the results we want to reveal and you were from 0 10 to 100 percent of the results and let's just choose something there and then we can say if we want to show them now over a say have three minute period or show them later where we set a start and stop time so let me explain that so what show now does is that's useful if you have everybody in the room together right now and you want to immediately show the results to everybody because we've just finished that period you could use show now and then and maybe if you want to show all the results show a hundred percent of them over a three minute period so or a three minute period what that means is that it will you can let's say bring it up on the big screen that everybody sees at the same time you can reveal the results and they'll see a data table students will see a data table and they'll see a line chart that slowly reveals the results over three minutes three minutes so 180 seconds so what that does is it creates a lot of anticipation and we often recommend playing some dramatic music during this period of time so that students are kind of bit on their edge of their seat watching this line chart and these tables kind of grow and change so you know one minute you're at first place and then you drop to a third place and you know then you go back up anyway it's kind of an exciting time period so that's the purpose of the the slow review on the show now reveal but so another way you can do it as well is let's say you have different sessions you have a session today in a session tomorrow or next week you could decide not to show all the results for the period you could show let's say half of the results over that three minute period so over three minutes two or three minutes that you choose it will only show you the first half of the results so students you know will have a general sense of where they're trending but they won't really know where they're going to finish and then what you could do is set up a second reveal period where the second half of the fifty percent gets revealed later maybe the next week maybe the next day or maybe could be slow over the next 24 hours where it's a very slow reveal over a 24 hour time period so you have total control over the real schedule but what's important to know here is you have to set this otherwise even you as a facilitator can't necessarily see you know these these same results you can actually see them if we go back to facilitate and you know you can review team decisions and you can you can see using this table once it's filled with actual live decisions you'll be able to see some of the scores and so on but but once you advance the simulation then you set a schedule for the results then you can go back into the view simulation performance go back in again we're back into the monitoring function here and then we can click on performance and this is where we will see and we can choose different views view tables view charts of the data and now this is an empty simulation so there's no actual data here but this is where you would see all that and so you could you know you could use this to review the different scenarios that are available now we also recommend you know once you review the scenario and if you think you're happy with it you may want to run it we recommend that you actually play it as a student or team would play so you get to experience the simulation both as a student and a facilitator so to do that you want to click Edit and you want to scroll down and click on teams and click plus because what you want to do now is you want to create login for your participants in this case if it's just you playing you just have to create one login so create a username could be anything you could use colors you know like red green team blue team you use anything you want and then passwords you should use different passwords for each team so that you know teams don't don't try to login as each other so choose a login create one for yourself because it's just you playing and again you can have other people playing as well but choose a log and create it and then you can once you've created that log and you'll see it here and you can go and log out log out by clicking the log up on it and then log in as a student would log in and actually play the simulation as a student and by the way you have to note the simulation number that's right here and so you could play it as a student may play the first period and then come back and log in as a facilitator advance the simulation set the results schedule and then golden log back in as a student so you can see the results that you've created for yourself and you can repeat this for as many periods as you want to play and now and once you've done that you know if you like everything and you you want to actually facilitate this live what you want to do then is create a copy of the simulation because presumably you may have already played this one and so there's already results and everything in it so you want to create a copy of it and then once you create a copy of it it's a fresh copy it's got all the same data except it just has no student information no decisions and then you'll also want to go in under edit and again scroll down and set the number of teams so you create teams you know if you're gonna have five teams create usernames and passwords for each of the five five teams other things you can do here the decision schedules the start and end dates of when students are allowed to actually make decisions result schedules when the results for those decisions are displayed or made available and blackout schedule is if you want to completely lock students out of this emulation so if you don't want for some reason if you don't want students even look back at their historical results you can actually set a blackout and they cannot login at all in this simulation so that just gives you some flexibility if you wanted that functionality so that's that's how you can review go venture leader and if you have any questions let us know